This stratagem singlehandedly shuts all of that down and lets you take all those attacks on your 2+ armour save. If you would force me to name a few of the weapons i was most afraid of pre Psychic Awakening the first thing to come to mind woul be the imperial knights avenger gatling gun with 12 shots S6 Ap-2 D2 or its 15 stomps at S8 Ap-2 Dd3. Lower quality shots bounce off of the armour save especially when in cover and higher quality shots dont have enough volume and run into the invulnerable save. Many of the weapons which historically would do well against custodes are in the range of S6-8, Ap 1 or 2 with 2 or 3 (or d3) damage. This stratagem right here amounts to about 90% of why most modern custodes lists include a large unit of Allarus Terminators. This includes rerolls for to hit, wound and damage (but not amount of shots!).Īuramite and Adamantium (1CP): Allows a custodes terminator unit to ignore ap-2 for a phase. The Emperor’s Auspice (2CP): This lets the custodes player turn off all your rerolls against a certain unit for 2CP. Works on: any unit within 6” of the vexilus, against shooting only The -1 to hit varies from a cute buff against some armies to being absolutely brutal especially when paired with the emperor’s aspice, which takes space marines from hitting 88.8% of the time down to 50% There is not much you can do about him other than killing him if you get the chance but the important thing is being aware of which units he is in range of and which units he is not. It is a neat little buff that most custodes armies will bring with them due to the vexila teleport homer stratagem (we will get to this one later). This guy has a 6″ aura of -1 to hit against shooting. Vexila Magnifica: Most players will be familiar with the vexilus. But there are many ways to boost this survivability to the next level. Suffice it to say every model has an invuln save and no model in the entire army is sub T5.

Most vehicles will be 3+ armour with a 5++ invuln with the Telemon clocking in at 2+ 4++ 6+++ T8. What do you think the result will be? Well the answer varies between a very dead dreadnought or on average only 4.3 wounds depending on how many resources the custodes player commits.Īny baseline custodes non vehicle model will have a 2+ armour, 4++ invuln and be a minimum of T5. You cunningly manouver around and set it up so turn 2 all 9 of your Eradicators can put a massive volley of 18 melta rifle shots into it. Imagine a scenario: you are a space marine player playing against a custodes player who brought a Telemon dreadnought, which due to while we stand we fight is worth 5VP if you kill it. But let us start by examining what in my opinion has been the crux to the power boost of the custodes: the defensive stratagems. Lastly the new missions favour skirmishing and brawling around the middle of the table which is every custodian’s dream. That changed with war of the spider massively boosting the durability of custodes units. The problem however used to be that while custodes had many utility stratagems and a few offensive ones they did not get much in terms of defence. And while many factions have benefitted from having more command points this edition custodes have had some of not only the best stratagems in the entire game but also some of the cheapest (and most efficient) ones. Where a custodes army in 8th edition would have anywhere from 4 to around 9 CP these days the average custodes army will be spending around 20 over the course of the game. The major changes to custodes in the past few months have been threefold: changes to how CP is generated, new rules in War of the Spider and new mission design. After all like Benjamin Franklin said: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” What changed? With many tournaments posting results with many custodes players in the top 8 and many players not having much experience against the army it may be worth it to take a look at what makes them so good now. Other than that the army has mostly been absent before suddenly being the second most played faction (only after space marines) currently on the ITC battles app. Historically we have seen Custodes have success running bike spam armies for a good couple of months and then a small revival of the army with the triple caladius before the rules changes. 9th edition 40k has started in the past few weeks and by the emperor everyone’s favourite golden boys have gone from zeroes to heroes!